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真假真假真真假之: 大富翁  

2017-02-16 (星期四)

真假真假真真假之: 大富翁

以下三段有關大富翁的資料當中, 其中一段是假的... 究竟那一段是假的呢

Learn the Truth and Spot the LIE... the following three facts about Monopoly... One of them is NOT True... can you spot it?

真假真假真真假之: 大富翁

1) 大富翁由 "業主遊戲" 演變而成, 是在1903年由 Lizzie Magie 發明.


Monopoly is descended from a 1903 game called The Landlord's Game.

Creator Lizzie Magie wanted to show that monopolies are bad for the    society           



真假真假真真假之: 大富翁

2) 一副大富翁共有 $16280 大富翁鈔票.  1965年 Delaware 大學進行大富翁馬拉松慈善籌款期間, 大富翁銀行因為破產而沒有錢.   有關大學方面為了讓遊戲繼續進行, 決定自行製造大富翁鈔票, 後來被 Parker Brothers 告侵犯版權.

A Monopoly game comes with $16280 in Monopoly money.

in 1965, during a Monopoly fundraising marathon held at the University of Delaware, the Monopoly bank ran out of money.

In order to continue the game, they made their own Monopoly money.

The university was later sued by Parket Brothers for copy-right infringement.



真假真假真真假之: 大富翁

3) 限量版大富翁創於1941年, 目的是幫助二次大戰囚犯逃獄.

在該盒大富翁內藏有:真, 指甲銼, 指南針, 盒內更有特別暗格, 內藏逃走路線圖.

In 1941, a special edition of Monopoly was created to help some WWII prisoners to escape.

Inside the box were real money, a file, a compass and a hidden compartment with an escape map.

究竟, 以上三段資料中, 那一段是假的呢?


答案: 第二項是假的


1961年慈善大富翁大賽是在 Pittsburgh 大學 舉行, 當銀行沒有鈔票的時候, 主辦當局立刻通知製造商 Parker Brothers, 製造商馬上用解款車運送一百萬元大富翁鈔票到比賽場地

Number 2 is a LIE:

The game comes with $20580 Monopoly money.

The Monopoly marathon took place in 1961 at the University of Pittsburgh.  When the bank ran out of money, they notified Parker Brothers requesting more money.

Parker Brothers sent an armored car with $1 million Monopoly money to the game so that it could continue.