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Blu-ray 請你看好戲《怒火 Raging Fire》
2021-11-23 (星期二)

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留意 AM1430 & FM889 電台節目, 贏取由甄子丹和謝霆鋒領銜主演的《怒火》Blu-ray + Digital 套裝。Listen to AM1430 & FM889 for your chance to win RAGING FIRE Blu-ray + Digital combo.
遊戲日期 Game period: November 23 - 29, 2021。
遊戲熱線 Game Hotline: 905-889-1430。
An explosive action thriller boasting a powerhouse cast headlined by international martial arts action superstars Donnie Yen (Mulan, Ip Man franchise) and Nicholas Tse (Shaolin, New Police Story), RAGING FIRE will debut exclusively on the martial arts streaming service Hi-YAH! on October 22, before hitting Digital, Blu-ray™ and DVD November 23 with a new English dub from Well Go USA Entertainment.
Bong (Donnie Yen) is a highly respected hardline cop with a long history of success on dangerous cases. However, his past unexpectedly comes back to haunt him when a sting operation is attacked by a mysterious group of criminals led by Ngo (Nicholas Tse), his former protégé, a talented former officer who had once respected and admired Bong. However, a terrible mistake years prior landed him in prison, quickly turning the once rising star into a furious man with a grudge, and the will to destroy everyone who had wronged him—including his former mentor.
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