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請你看好戲「Need For Speed」  

2014-02-19 (星期三)

點擊進入Official Website

點擊進入Official Website

加拿大中文電台 請你看好戲 『Need For Speed(中譯:極品飛車)』

Based on the most successful racing video game franchise ever with over 140 million copies sold, DreamWorks Pictures’ “Need for Speed” captures the thrills of the game in a real-world setting. An exciting return to the great car-culture films of the 1960s and ‘70s, when authenticity brought a new level of intensity to the action, “Need for Speed” taps into what makes the American myth of the open road so enticing.



托比·馬歇爾(亞倫·保爾 Aaron Paul 飾)本是一名藍領機修工,偶爾參加地下賽車作為副業,卻在一次比賽時遭陷害鋃鐺入獄,好友也在事故中喪生。出獄後,托比決定報仇雪恨,惟一能達成此目標的機會就是參加一項橫跨美國東西兩岸的地下賽車。等待他的是一系列令人心跳加速的飛車考驗;而始於復仇的任務,也漸漸演變成一場贖罪之旅。托比扳倒敵手的決心絕不動搖……無論這要付出多大的代價。 



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