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新歌推薦 · Let It Go  

2014-02-06 (星期四)

Let It Go


詞曲:Kristen Anderson Lopez,Robert Lopez

演唱:Demi Lovato




由迪士尼影業出品的最新動畫力作《冰雪奇緣》(Frozen) 去年11月底上映以來,憑絕佳口碑愈戰愈勇,展現出驚人的票房後勁;本周更是雙喜臨門—— 不僅在公映第六周時再度奪回北美票房冠軍王位,同時原聲大碟也擊敗碧昂斯(Beyonce) 新專輯,登頂公告牌(Billboard) 排行榜。



Let it Go是冰雪奇緣的主題曲。詞曲作者特別邀請到Demi Lovato來演繹這首歌。而就在上周,迪士尼影業官方曝光了25種語言演繹主題曲“Let It Go”,公布後就在網絡上掀起了討論狂潮。這首歌更早已引發全球影迷歌迷翻唱熱潮,在全世界熱門視頻網站都有無數翻唱版本出現;同時它還是今年奧斯卡最佳歌曲的大熱提名者。究竟有多動聽,聽聽看就知道了。

新歌推薦 · Let It Go 新歌推薦 · Let It Go

“Let it Go” is a song specially written for Disney’s critically acclaimed 3D animation musical comedy film “Frozen”.  Having already won Critics’ Choice Award for Best Original Song and a nomination for Academy Award Best Original Song, “Let it Go” has gained universal success.  



Writers Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez specifically selected singer Demi Lovato to cover a single for their theatrical version of the song.  Demi Lovato’s states that her personal experiences has helped her bring out the best performance she can.  The song’s message is easily relatable; moving forward and not hiding from your past, accepting your strengths and embracing your identity.  

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