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Hot Topics 娛樂追蹤


2023-12-23 (星期六)


新年送大禮,想得到由 Air Canada 加拿大航空公司送出的「全球任選目的地來回經濟客位機票」一張,就要留意加拿大中文電台精心為你預備的「新年三響炮」

  • 12 月 31 日大除夕晚的《Show 得精彩跨年華》開始;
  • 2 月 9 日年三十晚的《萬花錦繡迎金龍》;
  • 2 月 24 日元宵節《元宵佳節甜蜜蜜》


只要觀看以上這三個慶祝活動的播放,集齊分別在三個活動當中公佈的密碼,再將三組密碼 連同姓名及電話號碼 一併於 2 月 29 日 11:59PM EST 前,電郵至 game@am1430.com,並點讚 (Like) / 追蹤 (Follow) / 訂閱 (Subscribe) 本台 Facebook page 面書專頁 (1430粉絲天地)YouTube (fairchildradiotor), 即可參加抽獎, 有機會贏取加拿大航空公司「全球任選目的地來回經濟客位機票」一張。得奬者有可能是你! 


Celebrate the holidays with AM1430 and you shall have an opportunity to win an Air Canada "Economy Class System-wide Ticket", sponsored by Air Canada.

All you have to do is watch the following 3 shows either through Facebook or YouTube or in person:

  • Dec 31: "Countdown Show 2024",
  • Feb 09: "Lunar New Year Eve’s Party"
  • Feb 24: "Chinese Valentine’s Day Show"


Like / Follow / Subscribe our Facebook page (1430fanspage) and YouTube channel (fairchildradiotor); and collect all 3 sets of Secret Codes, which will be announced during the shows, then email the codes with your name and phone number to: game@am1430.com  by Feb 29, 2024 at 11:59PM EST to enter the lucky draw.

It's just that easy. Mark down these 3 dates on your calendar and best of luck.


** 第一個密碼已經出現, 可在這裏找到 **

*只限居住在安大略省省民參加 For Ontario residents only

*得獎者必須帶同證件親自到本台領獎 Winner must come to Fairchild Radio Toronto Markham Office with IDs to pick up the prize.
*每人只限參加一次 One entry per person only.