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感謝支持 Holiday Heroes《假日英雄》食物募捐活動  

2023-12-18 (星期一)

感謝支持 Holiday Heroes《假日英雄》食物募捐活動1738905962


經本台呼籲後,各界人仕一呼百應,在短短的兩星期內,籌集得遠超過兩大箱的食物及嬰兒尿片,總磅數超過 2000 lbs。我們感謝各位的踴躍支持!為有需要的人士伸出援手、雪中送炭!

York Regional Police "Holiday Heroes" Food Drive campaign was a huge success this year!
Two extra-large boxes were filled with food and diapers, total 2000 lbs, donated by listeners in two weeks’ time.Thank you all for your generosity and for helping out those individuals and families in need!