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TD Taste of Asia 道明銀行萬錦亞洲文化美食節 2023「Fairchild 夏日音樂嘉年華」  

2023-06-21 (星期三)

TD Taste of Asia 道明銀行萬錦亞洲文化美食節 2023「Fairchild 夏日音樂嘉年華」

一年一度的 TD Taste of Asia Festival 道明銀行萬錦亞洲文化美食節 2023 今年踏入第 21 屆,將於 6 月 23 - 25 日,一連三日,於 Kennedy 夾 Steeles 再度隆重舉行。 

The annual multicultural event TD Taste of Asia Festival 2023 will be held at Kennedy and Steeles from June 23rd to 25th this year. The presenting media sponsors – Fairchild Radio and Fairchild TV will fully support it.  

On June 24th, at 7:30pm, AM1430 will be presenting an event "Taste of Asia Fairchild Summer Music Carnival – Sukie Shek Concert", DJ Derek To, Amy Woo, Dennis So, Laurence Liang, Daniel Ho, the winners of "Golden Oldies" April Yue and "Star of Tomorrow" Starry Mark, as well as Magic Henry’s magic show will also perform and celebrate with the audiences in the event. Do not miss the chance to have fun and varieties of gourmet food in this Summer!

加拿大中文電台聯乘第 21 屆萬錦亞洲文化美食節 - 「Fairchild 夏日音樂嘉年華」AM1430 全力支持今次活動。6 月 24 日 7:30pm 開始有「Taste of Asia Fairchild 夏日音樂嘉年華 "聽聽 Sukie" 石詠莉星級演唱會石詠莉現場為大家獻唱。活動司儀杜挺豪胡懿恩,連同 DJ 蘇敏聰梁健恆何志宏April Yue《歲月留聲》Starry Mark「超級新星」得獎者,將親臨現場與觀眾載歌載舞,還有 Magic Henry 魔術表演,與眾同樂,與大家齊齊玩。




TD Taste of Asia 道明銀行萬錦亞洲文化美食節 2023「Fairchild 夏日音樂嘉年華」 TD Taste of Asia 道明銀行萬錦亞洲文化美食節 2023「Fairchild 夏日音樂嘉年華」 TD Taste of Asia 道明銀行萬錦亞洲文化美食節 2023「Fairchild 夏日音樂嘉年華」



 Magic Henry

Magic Henry
 Starry Mark

Starry Mark
 April Yue

April Yue

TD Taste of Asia 道明銀行萬錦亞洲文化美食節 2023「Fairchild 夏日音樂嘉年華」