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加拿大中文電台 AM1430 獨家邀請《關於我和鬼變成家人的那件事》專訪!  

2023-10-31 (星期二)

加拿大中文電台 AM1430 獨家邀請《關於我和鬼變成家人的那件事》專訪!1738904774

11 月 1 日週三晚 8-9pm,在《Young 生活》節目中,主持人 Eva 冠祺有幸請到了備受矚目的台灣電影導演程偉豪,為你揭秘電影《關於我和鬼變成家人的那件事》背後的故事。 

這部作品在全球各大影展大放異彩,榮獲了第 13 屆韓國富川國際奇幻影展的「富川首獎」第 25 屆台北電影獎的「最佳編劇獎」,以及在第 60 屆金馬獎上獲得「最佳影片」「最佳導演」等八項提名! 

在這個特別的晚上,程偉豪導演將與 Eva 冠祺深入交談,分享他在拍攝過程中的有趣經歷,探討影片創作背後的深層原因,並講述與電影主角許光漢林柏宏之間的趣事和合作 經歷。 

想深入了解這部電影的幕後故事嗎? 想聽到導演的真實分享嗎? 那就千萬不要錯過! 

鎖定加拿大中文電台 AM1430,我們不見不散! 

On November 1st, from 8-9 pm, Fairchild Radio AM1430 will feature an exclusive segment on the program "Young Life". Program host Eva will interview the acclaimed Taiwanese film director, Cheng Wei-hao, to discuss the backstory of his film "MARRY MY DEAD BODY". This film has garnered significant acclaim, winning awards at the 13th BIFAN NAFF Awards – Bucheon Award and the 25th Taipei Film Awards for Best Screenplay. It also received eight nominations at the 60th Golden Horse Awards. Director Cheng will delve into insights from the filming process and share amusing anecdotes with the movie's lead actors Hsu Kuang-han and Austin Lin. Don't miss this behind-the-scenes look! Be sure to tune in to Fairchild Radio AM1430.


一位警察撿到紅包,卻發現紅包的主人已不在人世,對方還要求與他冥婚,以便轉世投胎。一人一鬼結成獨特的姻緣,究竟會發生什麼事呢?《關於我和鬼變成家人的那件事》題材多元,超越人鬼和性別界線,更獲選為久負盛名的台北金馬影展 2022 年閉幕片。


程偉豪,台灣導演,擅長於犯罪與懸疑類型創作。2015年,短片《保全員之死》第 52 屆金馬獎中獲得最「佳創作短片獎」;2016年,首部劇情長片《紅衣小女孩》獲得第 53 屆金馬獎 4 項提名,該電影刷新恐怖電影十年來在台灣的票房紀錄。2017年,電影《目擊者》《紅衣小女孩2》上映,並在第 54 屆金馬獎中獲得 8 項提名。2021 年電影《緝魂》在亞洲地區獲得票房佳績,同時也在第 58 屆金馬獎上獲得 11 項提名,本人亦以該作品提名最佳導演最佳視覺效果最佳改編劇本等獎項。同年 8 月首次執導迷你影集《池塘怪談》,跨界與金曲樂團『魚丁糸』合作,入選第 26 屆富川國際奇幻影展。2023年,最新作品《關於我和鬼變成家人的那件事》上映,榮登台灣影史上票房第七名,並在第 25 屆台北電影獎中獲得「最佳劇本獎」及在第 60 屆金馬獎中獲得「最佳劇情長片」「最佳導演」等共八項獎項提名。


One day a police officer finds a red wedding envelope, only to find out that the owner of the red envelope is in fact a ghost from the other side asking for the officer's hand in marriage before reincarnation. What will happen when a human and a ghost form a special bond? Closing film to the 2022 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival, the largest and the longest-running film festival in Taiwan, "MARRY MY DEAD BODY" transcends the boundaries of both death and gender!

Director’s Biography

Taiwanese director, mastering crime and suspense stories. In 2015, his short film, "The Death of A Security Guard", won Best Short Film at 52th Golden Horse Awards. In 2016, his debut feature film "The Tag-Along" garnered 4 award nominations. He also received a nomination for Best New Director at the 53rd Golden Horse Awards. Furthermore, this film has smashed box office records of horror movies in Taiwan for over ten years. In 2017, feature films "Who Killed Cock Robin" and "The Tag-Along 2" were released and nominated for 8 rewards in 54th Golden Horse Award in total. In 2021, his film "The Soul" was nominated for 11 awards at the 58th Golden Horse Awards, and himself was nominated for the Best Director, Best Visual Effects and Best Adapted Screenplay Awards. His first series "The Pond" was selected in the 26th Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival. In 2023, his latest film "Marry My Dead Body" was released and ranked among the top ten highest-grossing films in Taiwan's cinematic history. It won the Best Screenplay at the 25th Taipei Film Awards, and was nominated for the Best Narrative Feature, the Best Director and 6 other awards at the 60th Golden Horse Awards.