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2022-11-29 (星期二)

Blu-ray™ 請你看好戲《EMERGENCY DECLARATION》1739622637

留意 AM1430 電台節目, 贏取《EMERGENCY DECLARATION》Blu-ray™ + Digital 套裝。Listen to AM1430 for your chance to win the latest animated movie "EMERGENCY DECLARATION"  Blu-ray™ & Digital combo.

遊戲日期 Game period: Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2022. 

遊戲熱線 Game hotline: 905-889-1430 (AM1430)


While investigating a terroristic threat that goes viral online, Korean authorities discover that a suspect has recently boarded an international flight bound for the United States. When a healthy passenger on the same flight suddenly dies a gruesome death of unknown cause, panic erupts both in-flight and on the ground. With steadily decreasing fuel and international refusals to offer aid, the captain and crew will be forced to take unprecedented emergency measures in an attempt to save the lives of their passengers.

EMERGENCY DECLARATION lands on Digital, Blu-ray™ & DVD on November 29.

Offical website: wellgousa.com/films/emergency-declaration