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Digital Movie 請你看好戲 DISNEY'S《MULAN》
2020-11-19 (星期四)

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AM1430 及 FM889/iPlus 送你 DISNEY'S MULAN 電子版影片,得獎者將直接從 Cineplex Store 或者 Google Play Store 下載電子版 DISNEY'S MULAN。留意 AM1430 及 FM889/iPlus 節目了解更多遊戲詳情。
Listen to AM1430 and FM889/iPlus for your chance to WIN a digital copy of DISNEY'S MULAN! Winner will download the movie directly from the Cineplex Store or the Google Play Store.
遊戲日期 Game Period: November 23 - 29, 2020.
遊戲熱線 Game Hotline: 905-889-1430.
Acclaimed filmmaker Niki Caro brings the epic tale of China’s legendary warrior to life in Disney’s “Mulan” in which a fearless young woman risks everything out of love for her family and her country to become one of the greatest warriors China has ever known. When the Emperor of China issues a decree that one man per family must serve in the Imperial Army to defend the country from Northern invaders, Hua Mulan, the eldest daughter of an honored warrior, steps in to take the place of her ailing father. Masquerading as a man, Hua Jun, she is tested every step of the way and must harness her inner-strength and embrace her true potential. It is an epic journey that will transform her into an honored warrior and earn her the respect of a grateful nation…and a proud father.
Hashtag: #Mulan
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