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LNY《元宵行運 Denison》2 月 9 日 到 Denison Centre 行大運  

2025-01-30 (星期四)

LNY《元宵行運 Denison》2 月 9 日 到 Denison Centre 行大運1739568032

2 月 9 日 2pm

Denison Centre

舉行《元宵行運 Denison》

蛇年好勢頭元宵行大運!大除夕送龍迎,正式踏入蛇年正月。說時遲、那時快,很快又到令人期待的正月十五元宵節,立即緊接《元宵行運 Denison》繼續同慶賀2 月 9 日星期日下午二時,於 Denison Centre 一同迎接新十五元宵佳節加拿大中文電台與你蛇年齊齊行大運,一同甜蜜放閃迎元宵

The Year of the Snake is off to a lucky start!  After counting down to the Lunar New Year, join us for a day full of joy and fortune at "Lantern Fest at Denison" on Sunday, February 9th, starting at 2 PM at Denison Centre. Let’s light up the Lantern Festival (aka Chinese Valentine's Day) together with sweet vibes and great energy!

Hosted by our lovely DJs Denise Liang and Amy Woo, along with popular radio program host Laurence Liang and 2024 Sunshine Generations Best Showmanship winner: Victoria Tam, there will also be other stunning traditional performances. The event promises lively performances and music to keep you smiling all day.



《元宵行運 Denison》莎菲寶胡懿恩,兩位甜美 DJ 携手合作擔任大會司儀,連同本台人氣節目主持梁健恆及今屆 Sunshine Generations 最佳台風獎得主 Victoria 譚昕婷,以歌聲陪你開心迎元宵。當日更有 La Pirouette Royale 御芭蕾表演中西合璧的芭蕾舞「靈蛇」及「歡樂年年」、變臉守藝人: 顧城「變臉表演」、少林羅漢堂「少林功夫」表演、元音琴社的古箏演奏等傳統賀歲表演。有遊戲、有禮物,以及財神派利是,你一定要來 Denison Centre 行大運啊!



變臉守藝人: 顧城

元宵節前夕,來 Denison Centre 與我們一起甜甜蜜喜洋洋行大運!一齊玩、一齊笑、一起預祝蛇年元宵節!


La Pirouette Royale 御芭蕾


