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Digital Movie 請你看好戲《MARRY ME》
2022-05-19 (星期四)

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留意 AM1430 電台節目, 贏取 Universal Pictures《MARRY ME》數碼電影 Code。Listen to AM1430 for your chance to win "MARRY ME" digital movie code from Universal Pictures.
遊戲日期 Game period: May 19 - 25, 2022.
遊戲熱線 Game hotline: 905-889-1430 (遊戲會於節目時段內進行,敬請留意。Please stay tune for the Game playing.).
A heartbroken pop star (Jennifer Lopez), slated to marry her pop star fiancé (Maluma) on stage, instead marries a stranger from the audience - a high school math teacher (Owen Wilson). Against the odds, their relationship develops into something real...but can their love survive the limelight?
Jennifer Lopez is back as the “reigning queen of romcoms” (David Sims, The Atlantic) in MARRY ME, available for the very first time to own and on Digital April 26, 2022 and on Blu-ray™ and DVD May 10, 2022 from Universal Pictures Home Entertainment. Earning a resounding 92% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes, it is now time to “believe in love” (Kate Walsh, Los Angeles Times) with this year’s most delightfully romantic film featuring Owen Wilson and original music by Jennifer Lopez and Latin music megastar Maluma. Enjoy more of the film’s lovable charm with exclusive never-before-seen bonus content including deleted scenes, gag reel, and a look behind the scenes with actress and producer Jennifer Lopez for the perfect movie date night.
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