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請支持Toy Drive 玩具募捐行動2019  

2019-11-18 (星期一)

請支持Toy Drive 玩具募捐行動2019

傳聞老人不會送禮物給不聽話的小朋友小朋友總是盼望著的到來,因爲他們可以收到各式各樣的玩具作為禮物。事實上每個小朋友都應該有收禮物的權利。可惜,不是每一位小朋友都有機會收到玩具為禮物。今年,何不由你來做老人,為有需要的小朋友送上禮物,為你的2019年劃上一個完美的句號?爲了讓更多小朋友開心迎加拿大中文電台攜手救世軍「Salvation Army」  將聽衆們捐贈的玩具贈予有需要的孩子們

11月18日起,至12月18日,請您將*全新無包裝玩具送至加拿大中文電台玩具會直接由救世軍「Salvation Army」轉送給有需要的孩子讓我們用愛心點亮孩子們的心願, 點亮這個吧!

*請不要毛絨公仔, 以免引起小朋友敏感症狀。 

Another holiday season is coming, are you preparing the gifts for children?

Please support Fairchild Toy Drive

This year we work with Salvation Army collecting toys for Children in need. Wishing all beloved children a Merry Christmas! From now until Dec. 18th, please bring *"New Unwrapped Toys" to Fairchild Radio Toronto. Please drop off early so we can deliver the gifts before Christmas. Thanks!

*Please do not donate furry dolls to aovid causing any allergies.


請支持Toy Drive 玩具募捐行動2019 請支持Toy Drive 玩具募捐行動2019



*請不要毛絨公仔, 以免引起小朋友敏感症狀。

How to Donate:

Please bring *new unwrapped toys to Fairchild Radio Toronto before Dec 18, 2019. Please drop off early so we can deliver the gifts before Christmas.

*Please do not donate furry dolls to avoid causing any allergies.

捐贈地址:151 Esna Park Drive, Unit 26-29, Markham, ON L3R 3B1
