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加拿大中文電台請你看好戲﹣『Grudge Match』  

2013-12-19 (星期四)

加拿大中文電台請你看好戲﹣『Grudge Match』1739062637



即日起至12月26號,關注加拿大中文電台節目,參與節目則有機會獲得『Grudge Match』電影票。



Grudge Match(中譯:旗鼓相當)是取材於運動題材的喜劇故事,講述了兩個退役的拳擊手重返拳台,發起一場宿命的拳戰,以了結他們之間多年的積怨。動作巨星史泰龍(Sylvester Stallone)與羅伯特·德尼羅(Robert De Niro)繼1997年的《地頭龍》(Cop Land)之後再合作拍攝新片《旗鼓相當》(《Grudge Match》),據悉他們會於片中上擂台對打作最後一戰。而年過60的史泰龍與羅伯特赤裸上身戴上拳套,狀態仍然很好。

Grudge Match reveals a story of a pair of aging boxing rivals who are coaxed out of retirement to fight one final bout -- 30 years after their last match.

Two retired boxers, Billy "The Kid" McDonnen (De Niro) and Henry "Razor" Sharp (Stallone), have an unsettled thirty year old grudge. It revolves around the fact that Razor retired the night before their match for the title, thus destroying both of their careers. Now they have an opportunity to get the score even with one last rematch, it will be hard to stay focused while they're blowing up on social networks and struggling physically with their age and the training.



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