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感謝支持 Holiday Heroes《假日英雄》玩具募捐活動  

2024-12-19 (星期四)

感謝支持 Holiday Heroes《假日英雄》玩具募捐活動1739837261

加拿大中文電台約克區警隊聯手舉辦的 Holiday Heroes《假日英雄》「玩具募捐活動」已於日前結束。

經本台 DJ 們努力呼籲後,縱使在經濟不景氣的情況下,各界人仕亦毫不吝嗇,於約一個月時間內,籌集得超過兩大箱總數達 700 多件的玩具。並由救世軍 (Salvation Army) 轉贈予有需要的孩子。


York Regional Police "Holiday Heroes" Toy Drive campaign was a huge success this year!
Two extra-large boxes were filled with over 700 pieces of toys, donated by listeners in a month time.

Thank you for your generous donations and for playing the role of Santa Claus. Your kindness has brought joy to many children in need, and these children and their families can experience a heartwarming and loving Christmas.