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12 月普天同慶 - 火星人聖誕登陸 Denison  

2024-12-02 (星期一)

12 月普天同慶 - 火星人聖誕登陸 Denison1739863407

Yo~Yo~Yo~《燈燈燈凳》兩位火星人主持小英何志宏,12 月 15 日 (星期日) 2pm – 4pm,在 Denison Centre 現身,同你預先玩轉聖誕!

Yo~Yo~Yo~"DDDD YOLO" hosted by two Martians: Marina Tang and Daniel Ho, on Sunday, 15th December, from 2pm to 4pm, at the Denison Centre. Get ready to kick off your Christmas fun in advance with us! All of you are welcome to the event. Don’t forget to show up on time at Denison Centre and join us for a special Christmas celebration!





到時除了有兩位火星主持,還有來至太陽系的 Sunshine Generations 冠軍 Kenneth 李祉昊網上最 Like Sunshine 大獎 Nadya 鄭楠,帶來勁歌,以及 The Singing School 表演唱歌;有勁歌,就要有熱舞,本地舞蹈團體 Dream Makers Music Academy 為你勁跳 K-pop 熱舞。一群陽光活力新世代到臨 Denison 發放聖誕熱力!


The Singing School

Dream Makers Music Academy

各位火星友到時有表演看、有遊戲玩、有禮物送!記得準時到場逼爆 Denison Centre!同小英何志宏,一齊過一個火辣辣火星人聖誕