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購票看 Sunshine Generations 新一代歌唱比賽 贏取「至尊假期」<雙人古巴八天團>  

2024-07-19 (星期五)

購票看 Sunshine Generations 新一代歌唱比賽 贏取「至尊假期」<雙人古巴八天團>1739622384

只要購買《Sunshine Generations 新一代歌唱比賽》門票,並到場觀賞,即可參與現場抽獎,
贏取由「至尊假期」送出的 <雙人古巴八天團> 旅遊套票,包機票、酒店及食宿等。

購票詳情 Ticket Sales

日期 Date: August 24, 2024 (Saturday)
時間 Time:8pm
地點 Venue:萬民大劇院 Peoples Theatre for the Performing Arts (22 Esna Park Dr. Markham, ON)

票價 Ticket Price:$58、$68、$88  (Cash Only 只收現金, 不設找續)
晨鳥優惠: 每票可享有減  $20  折扣優惠
售票地點 Ticket available: 加拿大中文電台 Fairchild Radio, 10am-5pm (151 Esna Park Dr., unit 26, Markham) 午飯時間 closed 1pm-2pm.

大會網址: ssg2024.am1430.com
查詢 Enquiry:905-415-1430


入場看許廷鏗、支持 Sunshine Generations 參賽者、更有機會獲得免費旅遊,享受陽光與海灘的假期!

Don’t miss your chance to attend the "Sunshine Generations Singing Contest" and win an exclusive <8-day all-inclusive trip to Cuba for two>, courtesy of "Jacco Tours"! This incredible package includes airfare, hotel, and accommodations.

Join us for an evening of incredible performances featuring special guest Alfred Hui, support the talented contestants of Sunshine Generations, and stand a chance to win a sun-soaked holiday in Cuba!

Get your tickets now and ensure you're part of this exciting event!